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Set up a business in Ras-Al-Khaimah Mainland

RAK is known as the adventure emirate in the UAE for its highest mountain peaks, zip lines and hiking tracks making it one of the desired places to start a business due to tourism and low costs. The business set up in Ras Al Khaimah is a brilliant choice due to its booming economy. RAK offers numerous cost-effective advantages and the emirate’s location makes it possible to reach markets across the Middle East, Asia, North Africa and Europe.
Company formation in RAK must first go through the approval of the RAK Department of Economic Development. Expat owners must assign a UAE local as a sponsor or partner. Like all the other emirates, this local sponsor holds 51% shares in the company. Foreign/expat owners can hold a 100% share of the company with a professional license.

Advantages of setting up business in Ras-Al-Khaimah Mainland

How to Get Ras-Al-Khaimah Mainland License?

For a company set up in Ras-Al-Khaimah mainland, the process must be fulfilled by the Department of Economic Development in the Emirates. Once this is done to set up the business and the jurisdiction is finalized, you will get the business license under the given jurisdiction.


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Set Up a Business in Ras-Al-Khaimah Mainland

Advantages of setting up business in Ras-Al-Khaimah Mainland

Benefits of a business set up in Ras-Al-Khaimah mainland

  • Hub for tourism

  • Advanced container port and marina docks

  • Low set up costs

  • Vast range of offices and warehousing

  • Low rental costs

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Types of Business Licenses in Ras-Al-Khaimah Mainland

Most suitable for companies in free zones rather than the mainland. With this type of license, an investor can import, build, produce and export finished products

This license will allow a business to import and export goods in and out of the UAE. With this license, a business can trade up to two different categories and without trade restrictions

This license will Suitable for any investor wanting to do professional services such as consultancy or services (craftsmen and artisans)

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