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Umm Al Quwain Free Zone is an ideal location for start-ups, young entrepreneurs and trading businesses to establish their company in the UAE. Umm Al Quwain Free Zone gives access to the city’s seaport while the Dubai International Airport and Sharjah International Airport is only an hour’s drive away.

The transportation facilities available in the region makes it a great place for trading businesses to reach international markets as well. UAQ Free Zone undoubtedly has a lot of advantageous for business set ups.

set up a business in Umm-ul-Quwain Free Zone

Main benefits of business set up in Umm-ul-Quwain Free Zone

  • 100% exemption from corporate and income tax
  • Micro businesses and SME’s receives a lot of support from the government
  • UAQ Free Zone seaport authorities provide discounts for trading companies
  • No minimum capital requirement needed for companies to start businesses
  • Companies have 100% custody of their income and funds
  • 100% foreign ownership
  • Affordable leases and office spaces

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Types of licenses available in Umm-ul-Quwain Free Zone

This license will let the holder import, export, buy, sell or distribute items. A commercial license will allow 3 different product lines or 10 similar ones.
This license will let a business owner trade in a vast range of products that are permissible in the UAE. However, products like crude oil, alcohol, pharmaceutical and such are excluded and would require special permission from the government.
Businesses that are consultants or offer professional advice on a specific profession (eg, artisans or craftsmen) requires this license.
As the name suggests, this license is for freelancers in the creative, media and tech industry who are planning to operate under their own name for freelance work.
Travel agencies, logistics, couriers, insurance services, car rentals and the lot would need this license to operate their business.
This license allows businesses like aviation, real estate, tourism, oil & gas, financial, legal and investment consultants to carry out their professional services.

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Set Up a Business in Umm-ul-Quwain Free zones

set up a business in Umm-ul-Quwain Free zones

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Types of business set ups in Umm-ul-Quwain Free Zones

  • Free Zone Establishment
    A small company with a single shareholder
  • Free Zone Company
    Medium to large size companies with shareholders between 2 to 50.
  • Existing Company
    A branch of a parent company

Select a suitable license type and company type

Depending on the type of business your company is going to perform, you can select a suitable license accordingly. The cost can differ from one license type to another. Company type can differ from how many shareholders your company will have and if it’s a branch or a new start up.

Choose the required facilities

Once the license and company type is selected next comes the building location, warehouses or any other amenities required for your business.

Complete paperwork of required documents

Collect the required documents and paperwork to submit to the authorities

License payment

Once the paperwork has been submitted to the authorities you will be notified on paying for the license to obtain it.

Start your business

Once all the documents are verified and your license approved, you can now successfully start your business

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