Set up your company in Dubai Internet City

Dubai Internet City is an excellent Dubai Free Zone to set up your company in Dubai. Your business has many advantages, including new investors and the chance for fast development. Dubai is a city built to be an international hub for trade, finance, and tourism. The city’s infrastructure reflects these ambitions by being designed to accommodate the changing needs of its enterprises. If you want to do business in Dubai, you may be familiar with Free Zone. Dubai is a place of opportunity. It has the perfect conditions for entrepreneurs and startups to thrive. The city offers a variety of free zones, areas with more relaxed business regulations than the rest of Dubai. Dubai Internet City is one of these Free Zones that bring many benefits for your company.

Companies can register their business in Dubai’s free zone and enjoy a range of benefits, including:

– A 100% ownership of intellectual property

– No taxes on income or capital gains

– No restrictions on foreign currency transactions

– No restrictions on repatriation of profits to home country

What is Dubai Internet City?

Dubai Internet City (DIC) is a free trade zone in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. It was established in 2000 by Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice President and Prime Minister of the UAE and Ruler of Dubai. The goal of DIC is to provide international companies with an environment that facilitates the development of their business through the provision of internet and e-commerce facilities that are otherwise unavailable or difficult to find in most other countries around the world.

DIFC is home to Fortune 500 firms and well-known brands like Facebook, Dell, Intel, Samsung, Huawei, Microsoft, HP, LinkedIn, etc. Retail showrooms, office spaces, warehouses, open storage yards, and commercial lands are all available in this free zone. Starting a business in the DIC free zone provides its members with world-class facilities and a welcoming environment. It opens up the possibility of a profitable future for related IT businesses. In addition to networking opportunities, Dubai Internet City is conveniently located. It is also the most significant ICT hub in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region.

How to set up your company in Dubai Internet City

If you want to set up your company in Dubai Internet City, you’ve come to the right place. We’ll explain the essential facts you must know when you decide to start your business in this free zone.

Office and visa

The flexi-desk package is ideal for entrepreneurs who want to get the most flexibility out of DIC. While the amenities are without a doubt first-rate, DIC’s flexi-package is slightly more expensive than others in the vicinity at AED 25,000. For individuals in need of many visas or who wish to establish a physical presence in the free port, Dubai Internet City (DIC) gives the option of applying for one visa every 8 square meters of office space.

Type of licenses

In Dubai Internet City, the DAFZA Licenses are:

Software License – Any activities that involve developing, modifying or installing software must have this license

Telecommunication and Network – Businesses that run networks must have this license. This license is required for any activity that involves building, updating, installing, or providing services for network-based applications.

E-commerce License – E-commerce businesses will need this license to set up their online shop and run businesses to trade goods and services.

IT Service – Any IT-related services should have this license to carry on their business activities, such as security solutions and corporate learning.

Internet and Multimedia – Any activity relating to developing or distributing internet or multimedia content online should have this license.

A broad array of tech businesses

Dubai Internet City is famous for being the home for many tech businesses, including Microsoft, Oracle, HP, IBM, Cisco, Canon, Dell, etc. You will have the chance to work alongside tech giants if you decide to set up your business in this Free Zone.

Create a business with numerous shareholders

Dubai Internet City is famous among major international corporations because it allows for the establishment of companies with several shareholders. Companies establishing themselves in the free zone are permitted to have many shareholders, including people and corporations.

It’s simple to set up a corporate bank account

Getting your company bank account created on time is a crucial procedure often overlooked when forming a company in the UAE. Fortunately, the UAE Company Registration team is available to ensure that this process phase runs successfully.

The main benefits of setting up your company in Dubai Internet City

Dubai Internet City (DIC) is a special economic zone in Dubai that has been designated for the development of the information and communication technology sector. DIC is a self-contained, fully integrated, business-friendly environment with an international standard of infrastructure. Here are the main benefits of setting up a business in this Free Zone:

– 100% foreign ownership

– No corporate or income taxes

– Reasonable business set-up costs

– Has world’s leading companies in DIC

– Dynamic community of international businesses and owners

– High-speed data services are offered at reasonable rates

Set up your business in Dubai Internet City with UAE Company Registration

UAE Company Registration will help you set up your business in Dubai Internet City. The dedicated team is always ready to complete the necessary company registration requirements, setting up UAE bank accounts and Residency visas.

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