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Set up a business in Dubai Mainland

DIC (Dubai Internet City) free zone is the leading tech community in the region. With over 1600 companies, 2400+ professionals and more than 1600 business partners, DIC is a hub for investors who want to target global markets. DIC is a part of TECOM investments and is the largest ICT hub in the MENA region.

DIFC is home to giant MNCs that include Fortune 500 companies and famous companies such as Facebook, Dell, Intel, Samsung, Huawei, Microsoft, HP, LinkedIn etc. This free zone provides retail showrooms, office spaces, warehouses, open storage yards and commercial lands.


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Set Up a Business in Dubai Internet City

Advantages of setting up business in Dubai Free Zone

Benefits of a business set up in Dubai Internet City

  • 100% foreign ownership

  • No corporate or income taxes

  • Reasonable business set up costs

  • Has world’s leading companies in DIC

  • Dynamic community of international businesses and owners

  • High speed data services offered at good rates

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Types of Licenses in Dubai Internet City

Any activities that involves developing, modifying or installing software must have this license

This license is required for businesses that operate networks. Any activity that includes developing, modifying or installing, or providing services that operate network-based applications must have this license.

E-commerce businesses will need this license to set up their online shop and run business to trade goods and services.

Any IT-related services should have this license to carry on their business activities which also could be security solutions and corporate learning.

Any activity relating to developing or distributing internet or multimedia content online should have this license.

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Types of Business Set Up in Dubai Internet City

  • Free Zone Limited Liability Company

  • Branch of a Local Registered or a Foreign Company

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