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Set up a business in Ajman Mainland

Ajman is an emirate where a variety of businesses such as manufacturing, farming and fishing exist. With its new construction of pretty beach sides and resorts, a demand for restaurants and luxurious lifestyles has been thriving. Having a business set up in Ajman means starting with an LLC legal which is the first step for a company formation in Ajman with at least two people to start a business. Like every other Emirate in the UAE, you will need a UAE national as a local partner. According to Ajman’s business laws, the local sponsor will have a 51% share of the company while the foreign investor or owner will receive the remaining 49%.
For an Ajman company set up, give us a call and we will guide you through all the important steps, important paperwork and what license suit your company best.

Advantages of setting up business in Ajman Mainland

How to Get Ajman Mainland License?

For a company set up in Ajman mainland, the process must be fulfilled by the Department of Economic Development in the Emirates. Once this is done to set up the business and the jurisdiction is finalized, you will get the business license under the given jurisdiction.


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Set Up a Business in Ajman Mainland

Advantages of setting up business in Dubai Free Zone

Benefits of a business set up in Ajman mainland

  • 100% foreign ownership

  • 100% legal exemption from import and export duties

  • Low rental cost and business set up costs

  • Lower prices of land

  • Lower prices on living expenses

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Types of Business Licenses in Ajman Mainland

This license is essential to do trading in Ajman. A business can include up to three related trade activities

Professionals and professional services as well as craftsmen and artisans can do business with a professional license

To obtain this license, your business must be registered with the Gulf of Cooperation Council and they must own at least 51% of the shares

To obtain this license, your business must be registered with the Gulf of Cooperation Council and they must own at least 51% of the shares

Online business entrepreneurs who plan to sell and grow their e-commerce platform must own an e-commerce license

Maintenance businesses in Ajman must acquire a maintenance license in order to perform their business

Set Up a Business in Ajman Mainland

Advantages of setting up business in Dubai Free Zone

Types of Legal Entities for Your Company in Ajman Mainland

  • Joint Liability Company

    A company or business that is shared between two partners that must be from the UAE

  • Simple Commanding Company

    A company structure that can be shared between more than two partners. All partners must be UAE locals with a share that is not less than 51%

  • Limited Liability Company

    Businesses can be owned by investors or shareholders up to a maximum of 50 people. The partners aren’t liable for the company’s liability other than their shares in the capital

  • Service agents

    The investor or national must be from Ajman. The owner of the license will be required to meet all the liabilities pertaining to the establishment towards the others

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